Periodic Maintenance
Periodic maintenance and examinations involve preventing the parts on your vehicle from running-out and ensuring a secure, trouble-free, efficient and long lasting tenure for your vehicle.
During the periodic examinations, your vehicle parts are maintained and purified from the dust and dirt to assure that it functions effectively. Due to these examinations any kind of trouble that possibly may cause a failure, break-down or severe loss can be prevented beforehand.
It is extremely important that these periodic maintenance and examinations are performed by the authorized services. Day to day controls of the vehicles such as coolant control, tyre pressure control and vehicle power supply are under the responsibility of the customer.
- A, B, C classes of periodic maintenance and examinations involve light, medium and high maintenance services.
- Vehicles are required to be maintained and examined once in min 20.000 km for replacement of their oil and oil filter.
- For every 60.000 km vehicles are required to receive medium maintenance.
- For every 120.000 km vehicles are required to receive high maintenance.