Human Resources
Along with a consistent improvement oriented HR system which believes that producing high quality products in a timely fashion is only possible with quality personnel, our Human Resources are arranged in accordance with our vision and mission to significantly support our business plans by constantly contributing to our employees’ professional and personal developments and our Human Resources practices are conducted under the fundamental principles below;
To fill new positions by promoting valuable human resources within our own organization whenever possible in line with our company objectives and strategies.
To employ the best possible candidate during the process of recruitment after conducting a transparent selection mechanism that gives equal opportunity to each candidate.
To create and provide maintenance for the systems that enables our employees to improve, to perform on the highest level and to advance in their careers.
To prepare training programs for our employees by defining their education needs and support their personal developments with periodic trainings.
To approach to all of our employees with the principal of equal opportunity while conducting any kind of Human Resources practices including education, wage, career and benefits regardless of their race, color, age, nationality, gender and beliefs.